Ask Ella Cruz Season 1 Episode 1.2

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Posted by Yette Cruz On 2:15 AM 6 comments

Hi guys! So how was 2010 for you? Oh well, we can't fully say Goodbye without answering all of the questions you've left Ella. By the way, apologies if this was first posted to Ella's YouTube account rather than here first. You know, holidays. Hell, I haven't even updated my own blog for weeks now. Anyway, some of you might've already viewed this a hundred times already, but in order to keep things spontaneous in this site, here is the season 1 episode 1.2 of Ask Ella.

Ask Ella Cruz

Watch out for its continuation which will be published within this week. We aim to publish the entire episode one within this week. Sorry for the delay. As I've said...holidays.. :)

Anyway, gotta go.

One more thing..

Please AVOID from placing your questions/fansigns requests here or in any other entries except in here. Further, please follow video's instructions correctly. Don't just post your questions anywhere. Any questions/requests which are incorrectly posted will not be entertained.

We hope you understand. Thanks!